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Possible gas attack in syria

I'm back I have not done a blog post in a while and I am sad to say that I have not come back with good news. Today I came home from church watched a movie and had something to eat. I then decided to update my blog. I went on to CNN and I found an article about how in Syria there was a possible gas attack that killed over a dozen people. There was a helicopter and it dropped what was known as a barrel bomb and then there was an explosion. About an hour later doctors had a huge amount of people come in about respiratory problems. There was a video showing over a dozen people lying on the ground with foam around their mouth and nose and just dripping down their mouth and onto their eyes. The people lying their were of all ages. Kids, moms, dads, and even babies. The world is dark and cold and no matter how much we wish, the world will not always be sunshine and rainbows. This happened because we don't have peace and because we don't exercise diplomacy. These people were just trying to live with their family and they were innocent. The video will be included but this is a warning to those with a weak heart this will be graphic and is not recommended for young viewers. I hope next time I post I will have good news.

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