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Little black dress

So my mom is going to be participating in this pretty cool event next week,the Little Black Dress Initiative or LBDI. The LBDI started in London when the members of the Junior League of London wore small black dresses to raise awareness of poverty and it's affects on women in society. During the week of April 3rd - 7th, the Junior League of Tallahassee will be helping those who are less fortunate by participating in the Little Black Dress Initiative.

These are the statistics for people who are living in poverty:

-The poverty threshold for a family of four is $24,257, which means families identified as living below the poverty line have a household income less than $24,257. 

-14% of adults, or approximately 2 million people in Florida live in poverty. 

-22% of Leon County lives below the poverty line. 

-25% of children in Florida live in poverty, with approximately 40% of those children defined as 50% below the poverty line. 

-Leon County has a 21% food insecurity rate, which means these families experience and uncertainty of having, or an inability to acquire, enough food for all household members because of insufficient money or other resources.

People experience poverty because they lack access to the following:

 Affordable childcare  Healthcare  Affordable Housing  Transportation  Education  Underemployment or Unemployment

This is a great project that brings attention to the fact that people should always have the opportunity to have choices. You can support their cause by visiting:

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